Information regarding the use of PStill on Linux

Run PStill on current Linux versions:

1.90.32 and newer are build on Ubuntu 20 LTS, only the 64bit version is provided. For the older 1.90.08 version 64bit and 32bit versions of PStill are built on Ubuntu 16 LTS and should also work on most recent distributions. The archive contains both versions. Using the x64 version 'pstill64' is recommended.

If you still want to use the 32bit version 'pstill32':

PStill32 is a 32 bit ELF binary. To run it in a 64 bit environment you need to install the lib32 shared libraries, e.g. on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS:

sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0

Run PStill on older Linux versions:

For older Linux versions that break on loading the pstill binary with

./pstill: /lib/tls/ version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by ./pstill)
(e.g. older RHEL distributions) a version compiled on Fedora 6 is available here:

Binary compiled for Fedora 6

This archive only contains the 'pstill' program. Please install the main Linux distribution first and copy it into the 'pstill_dist' folder.

An even older PStill version is still available here, however unsupported:

PStill 1.72.12

This 1.72.12 version of PStill is compiled on Fedora Core 3 and should run on Fedora Core 4 and 5 and RedHat Linux 9 or newer. It dynamically links with

If your Linux system still uses (The ABI of GCC 3.3 or older) you need install the newer libstd++ or download the matching binary for

The symptom of this issue is a message complaining about a missing when starting pstill or a crash with illegal instruction.

You can also try a really ancient version of PStill compiled with GCC 3.3.

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